Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer, affecting the cervix, the lower part of the uterus, is primarily caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Regular cervical cancer screenings, including Pap smears, have proven effective in detecting abnormal cell changes early, thus preventing the development of cancer.

More About Cervical cancer

Overview of Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer, originating from cells within the cervix, stands as a significant threat to women's health worldwide. Strategic preventive measures, encompassing vaccination and regular screenings, play a pivotal role in the battle against this formidable disease.


Cervical cancer primarily results from persistent infection with high-risk strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV):

HPV Infection:

High-risk HPV strains are the primary cause of cervical cancer; adopting safe sex practices and receiving HPV vaccinations can mitigate the risk.

Smoking Impact:

Tobacco use is linked to an increased likelihood of cervical cancer development.

Immuno suppression:

Individuals with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV, face an elevated risk.


Preventive strategies are fundamental to controlling cervical cancer's impact:

HPV Vaccination:

Receiving vaccinations against high-risk HPV strains provides crucial protection.

Regular Screenings:

Adhering to recommended Pap smears or HPV tests aids in detecting precancerous changes early.

Safe Sexual Practices:

Practicing safe sex and limiting sexual partners can mitigate the risk of HPV transmission.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Ceasing smoking and adopting a health-conscious lifestyle enhance immune function and overall well-being.

By fostering knowledge, spreading awareness, and embracing proactive measures, we can collectively contribute to the prevention and early detection of these formidable adversaries, thereby improving survival rates and overall global health.

Clinical Trial Information

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