Breast Cancer

Breast cancer, one of the most prevalent cancers in women, also affects men, albeit less commonly. It originates in the cells of the breast and is a concerning health issue globally. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment and long-term survivorship. Breast cancer awareness campaigns play a significant role in promoting regular self-examinations and mammograms, empowering individuals to take charge of their breast health.

More About Breast cancer

Overview of Breast cancer

Breast cancer, a malignancy that arises in breast tissues, presents an ongoing challenge to both women and, less frequently, men. Early detection and proactive measures are pivotal components in diminishing its impact on lives.


Breast cancer's aetiology involves a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, and environmental factors:

Genetic Predisposition:

Inherited mutations in genes like BRCA1 and BRCA2 significantly heighten the risk of breast cancer development.

Hormonal Influence:

Extended exposure to estrogen, such as early menstruation onset or late menopause, can contribute to increased risk.

Family Legacy:

A family history of breast cancer can serve as an indicator of heightened susceptibility.

Radiation Exposure:

Previous chest radiation treatment for other conditions can elevate the risk of breast cancer.


Empowerment through awareness and proactive steps can play a pivotal role in preventing breast cancer:


Regular self-breast exams facilitate the detection of any unusual lumps or changes in breast tissue.

Clinical Monitoring:

Adhering to recommended mammograms and clinical breast examinations enhances early detection efforts.

Healthy Lifestyle:

Embracing a balanced diet, moderating alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy weight, and engaging in routine exercise contribute to overall well-being and risk reduction.


Whenever feasible, consider breastfeeding, as it has been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer development.

Clinical Trial Information

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